Welcome to Missoula Real Estate Meetup

The iron law in housing is that the lower the supply, the higher the demand. As a group, we are dedicated to adding housing to Missoula to alleviate the housing crisis.  Most investors in this group are focused on strategies that add housing units, like building ADUs, backyard townhouses, adding basement/attic units, or building houses from scratch. The more supply we can create, the slower rents will increase, and the better off we will be as a city. Permanently high rent prices aren't good for Missoulians, and they also aren't good for the long-term future of Missoula. If we can build backyard ADUs in only 5% of the 55,000 houses in Missoula County, we will completely eliminate the 2,500 unit deficit that is the cause of our housing issues. And by building them in the City of Missoula, we can create a more sustainable city where people can walk and bike to work, instead of driving in from their suburban house in the Bitterroot or Frenchtown.

Our philosophy is that the more we can share tactics, strategies, and best practices, the more we will all benefit. For example, if we find a way to save on a landlord insurance policy, and share it with you, neither of us “loses” from that. Or if we are both involved in similar niche of real estate, then we can share what's working well, and what hard-won lessons we've learned, and that way we all learn and grow. There are over 55,000 houses in Missoula County. It's a big pond.

For that reason, we are open with sharing our strategies and contacts.


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We also have a Slack Channel where we post deals and other information, email me for an invite.